What is Building and Architectural Engineering?

Building and Architectural Engineering founded the knowledge of the Construction Engineer with the Architect.
In particular, the Building Engineering deals with the design, construction management, testing and maintenance of buildings for each use.
The task Building Engineer is to design the environment and technological system of buildings, plays a role of coordinator between the various actors in the building process.
The design of the environmental system takes into account the performance requirements that a building should have depending on the user requirements, to optimize the performance of the activities of the latter. For each functional area for activities distinct design for the system is divided into environmental design of accessibility mobility, Easy to equip, levels of natural and artificial lighting, heat and humidity control, noise control, natural ventilation or forced, visual perception, fire safety, and hygiene in the workplace.
For technological system instead refers to the set of structural and non-structural elements, which constitute the building. In particular, it verifies that the properties of materials and technological solutions possible to meet the requirements of the environmental system.
The other professional, which is headed by the Edil and Architecture Engineering, is the Architect.
The Architect is the ‘expert of architectural design, restoration of monuments, landscape design, fittings, real estate of appraisal and design.
In practice, the Architect is responsible to take care of the details appearance in every field and to contextualize the architectural design into the surrounding environment.