Expo Milano 2015: Belgian Pavilion
The Concept of Belgian Pavillon in Expo Milano 2015 focuses on environmental sustainability, and technological innovation with attention to energy conservation and saving of water resources

The Concept of Belgian Pavilion in Expo Milano 2015 focuses on environmental sustainability, and technological innovation. All this expertly mixed with the culinary traditions of this nation, in fact in the exposition there are a wide variety of local products such as chocolate and Belgian beer. The project was developed by Patrick Genard & Asociados in collaboration with the architect Marc Belderbos and the construction company Besix – Vanhout. The pavilion itself is a model of urban planning, “Lob City“: a city that looks so lively and interactive responsible, then inquiring about issues such as population growth and resource consumption.
The tour begins inserting in a shingle non completely cover leading to the farm where it’s been tried to reproduce the Belgian agricultural architecture. It continues by the ramp of the future from which you then move to the winery where you put into practice the techniques of alternative production . It therefore comes to the glass staircase spiraling back to the surface. Here we find an imposing structure that dominates the scale that is meant to represent a strand of DNA.
The Pavilion is designed with natural materials in order to have no impact on the site once the show is over. This is the theme of different constructions of all the pavilions, but that of Belgium has focused heavily on sustainable architecture. In fact, in addition to using eco-friendly materials are thus low environmental impact, it’s been tried to cure even the appearance plant engineering; in fact, to feed the heat pumps has been used the water of the Channel guaranteeing savings amount to about 80%. The energy saving of the building is also facilitated by the fact that the Pavilion has a very compact and well-oriented and an important role is played by the insulating materials used for the exterior.
The Pavilion presents sustainable energy sources such as photovoltaic panels integrated in the glass panels and generates electricity through wind turbine adjacent building. It is thought also to limit water consumption of the Pavilion. This policy is made possible thanks to devices that allow you to save on water flow and another important aspect and treatment of gray water, done by a central decanting.