Bike Share System: in Copenhagen the bike sharing of the future
The new bike sharing Copenhagen with rechargeable ultra-light bikes in stations that are 300 meters apart.
This year at Copenhagenize Index of Bicycle Friendly Cities Copenhagen is self classification in first place as the best city for cyclists in the world, surpassing even Amsterdam. The Danish capital, in fact, is investing a lot on the development strategy to become a city with zero emissions through sustainable mobility. Therefore not lack innovative and original projects to make bicycle more and more beautiful, technological and comfortable.

An original project is Bike Share System of Rafael Schmidt, a designer who has proposed a bike sharing really futuristic. It is ultra-light electric bicycles, rechargeable in special maximum distant stations 300 meters apart. By the end of 2015 it is expected to increase to users who use the bikes from 37% to 50%, so the number of bikes in circulation will increase by about 25,000 units and will take another 20,000 square meters of space to be parked. This could cause the congestion of parking areas for bikes, also increasing the visual pollution. This has pushed the Schmidt designer to think how to reduce these unpleasant effects going to bury or integrate into existing buildings new stations for bikes. The underground stations are constituted by a metal prefabricated channel flowing below the road pavement, equipped with the pins needed to recharge the bicycles placed in the slots in the metal strip.

Bicycles are studied in detail by combining utility and elegance in the same object. The frame will be made of a plastic composite material reinforced with carbon fiber (CFK), with high mechanical properties and extreme lightness. Most of the components are integrated on the inside to prevent theft and damage, as the LED lighting, while the generator and the transmission gears 8 are integrated in the hub. The 26V rechargeable lithium battery in the special stations allows the bike to have a range of about 50 Km. Also on the handlebar, there is a display with integrated GPS and WLAN that allow you to attach the bikes to each other, providing their location in real time on the internet to find out how many bikes are available and at which stations.

To use the bicycles on-line registration will be required and the payment by credit card. The first half hour of use of the medium is free, then the price will be 60 euro cents per 30 minutes. How not to be encouraged to ride a bike?